Cost of second class stamps to go up in March 2017

This week saw the annual announcement from Royal Mail regarding the cost of stamps in the UK for 2017.
The upshot is that prices of first and second class stamps rising by 1p each from 27 March. So, from that date the price of a first class stamp will go up to 65p, and second class to 56p.
Royal Mail said price rises were necessary to maintain the universal service which guarantees delivery of letters across the whole of the UK for one price.
Whilst it might seem expensive to send a letter these days we need to remember that if you tried to drive from your house to a destination up to 500 miles away, you wouldn’t be able to do it for 56p!
So, the humble second class stamp carries on the tradition of getting your mail safely across the country for less than the cost of a cup of tea.
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